
How Often Do You Need To Clean Your Solar Panels

Posted on 10 September 2024 by The Solar Co

Solar Panels can help save you money on your bills while helping make the planet a little greener! Its no secret however that they aren't cheap - paying for them to be installed isn't the only thing that we need to consider. Dirt and debris build-up on solar panels can act as a barrier, blocking precious sunlight and hindering their efficiency. This means less power for your home and potentially higher electricity bills.

The cleaning frequency for solar panels depends on several environmental factors. While a biannual cleaning schedule is a common recommendation, adjustments may be necessary.  In areas with high dust concentrations, such as deserts or agricultural land, quarterly cleaning might be beneficial. Conversely, regions with regular rainfall may require cleaning only once a year.

In this article, we'll explore the importance of maintaining clean solar panels for optimal performance. By delving into the frequency of cleaning required, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding that will help maximise the efficiency and lifespan of your solar panels, contributing to a more sustainable and cost-effective energy solution.

How Often Should You Clean Your Solar Panels?

Unlike a car that needs a wash every few weeks, solar panels are surprisingly low-maintenance. But just like any piece of equipment, keeping them clean is essential for optimal performance. So, the question becomes: how often should you clean your solar panels? The answer, unfortunately, isn't a one-size-fits-all. Several factors influence how frequently your solar panels need a refresh. 

Factors Affecting Cleaning Frequency

  1. Environmental Conditions: Nature plays a significant role in keeping your panels clean.
    • Rainfall Patterns: Areas with frequent rainfall receive a natural cleaning benefit. Heavy rain can effectively wash away dust and debris, potentially reducing the need for manual cleaning. However, if the rain is light or infrequent, dirt buildup can become an issue.
    • Dust Levels: Dusty environments like deserts or areas near construction zones pose a bigger challenge. Windblown dust can quickly accumulate on the panel surface, significantly reducing sunlight absorption. In these conditions, more frequent cleaning (every 3-6 months) might be necessary.
    • Bird Droppings and Other Debris: Proximity to trees, birds, or other wildlife can lead to droppings, leaves, and other debris accumulating on the panels. This not only blocks sunlight but can also be corrosive if left for extended periods. Regular visual inspections and cleaning (every 4-6 months) are recommended in such scenarios.
  2. Panel Tilt and Orientation: The angle and direction of your panel's face can also influence cleaning needs.
    • Steeper Tilts: Panels with a steeper tilt angle (closer to 45 degrees) naturally shed dust and debris more effectively than flat-mounted panels. Rainwater has a better chance of washing away dirt build-up on steeper surfaces.
    • South-Facing Panels: In the Northern Hemisphere, south-facing panels generally receive the most direct sunlight throughout the day. While this is ideal for energy production, it also means they are more likely to accumulate dust compared to panels facing other directions. South-facing panels might require slightly more frequent cleaning (every 6-12 months) depending on other factors.
  3. System Performance Monitoring: Keeping an eye on your solar panel system's performance is key to understanding its cleaning needs. Most modern solar systems come with monitoring tools that track energy output.
    • Sudden Drops in Output: A sudden and unexplained drop in energy production can be a sign that your panels are dirty and need cleaning. By monitoring your system's performance data, you can identify potential issues and schedule cleaning accordingly.
  4. Manufacturer's Recommendations: Different solar panel manufacturers may have specific cleaning recommendations based on their panel design and materials.
    • Consult the Manual: It's always a good idea to refer to your solar panel system's user manual for any cleaning frequency guidelines provided by the manufacturer. They might have specific advice based on the panel type and your local environment.

Recommended Cleaning Frequency Based on Factors

While a definitive cleaning schedule can't be universally applied, here's a table to provide a general idea based on a combination of the factors mentioned above:

Environmental Conditions

Panel Tilt/Orientation

Recommended Cleaning Frequency

Frequent Rain (cleansing effect)

Steeper Tilt (natural cleaning)

Once a year (or as needed)

Moderate Rainfall

Flat Tilt

Every 6-12 months

Low Rainfall/High Dust

Flat Tilt

Every 3-6 months

High Dust (e.g., desert)

Any Tilt

Every 3-4 months

Bird Droppings/Other Debris

Any Tilt/Orientation

Every 4-6 months (or as needed)

Note: This table is a guideline. Always consider your specific circumstances and consult your system's monitoring data and manufacturer's recommendations for the most accurate cleaning schedule for your solar panels.

Best Practices for Safe and Effective Solar Panel Cleaning

Now that you know how often to clean your solar panels, let's delve into the how! Safe and effective cleaning is crucial to maintain optimal performance without damaging your panels. Here are some key practices to follow:

Safety First!

Solar panels can get very hot under direct sunlight, posing a risk of heat stress for you and potential damage to the panels themselves. So, when it's time for a cleaning:

  • Pick a cool, cloudy day: Avoid the hottest part of the day and choose a time when the panels are cool to the touch.
  • Gear Up: Safety first! Wear gloves with a good grip to avoid slipping, and consider wearing closed-toe shoes with good traction if working on a ladder.

Cleaning Like a Pro

The key to effective cleaning is using the right tools and techniques:

  • Be Gentle: Ditch the harsh scrub brushes! Opt for soft sponges or long-handled, non-abrasive brushes specifically designed for solar panel cleaning. These will remove dirt without scratching the delicate surface.
  • Eco-Friendly Solutions: Harsh chemicals can damage the protective coating on your panels. Use a gentle, eco-friendly cleaning solution specifically formulated for solar panels. You can even create a DIY solution with a mixture of distilled water and mild, phosphate-free dish soap.
  • Rinsing Right: Once you've loosened the dirt with your brush and cleaning solution, thoroughly rinse the panels with clean water. A gentle spray from a garden hose works well.
  • Pressure Washing? No Thanks! High-pressure water can damage the electrical connections and wiring of your solar panels. Avoid pressure washers at all costs.

Reaching for the Roof? Consider a Pro

If your solar panels are mounted on a steep roof or are otherwise difficult to reach safely, it's best to leave the cleaning to a professional. Professional solar panel cleaners have the necessary equipment and expertise to safely and effectively clean your panels, ensuring optimal performance without any risk to you.

Benefits of Regularly Cleaning Your Solar Panels

Think of your solar panels as tiny sun-powered factories. Regular cleaning ensures these factories operate at peak efficiency, translating into several key benefits for you:

  • Power Up Your Savings: Clean panels absorb more sunlight, leading to increased energy production. This means your solar system generates more electricity, reducing your reliance on the grid and potentially lowering your electricity bills. A clean system is a cost-saving system!
  • Longevity for Your Solar Investment: Just like any equipment, proper maintenance extends its lifespan. Regular cleaning removes dirt and debris that can degrade the panel material and compromise its effectiveness over time. Clean panels are happy panels, and happy panels last longer!
  • Optimal Performance, Guaranteed Warranty: Most solar panel manufacturers require regular cleaning to maintain warranty coverage. By keeping your panels clean, you ensure your system operates at its optimal level and avoid any potential warranty issues down the line. A clean system is a worry-free system!


How can I tell if my solar panels need cleaning?

There are a few telltale signs your solar panels might be due for a refresh:

  • Visible Dust and Grime: If you can see a noticeable build-up of dust, dirt, or grime on the panel surface, it's time for a cleaning.
  • Energy Output: Has your solar system's energy production dipped significantly? This could be a sign that dirt is blocking sunlight and hindering efficiency.
  • Monitor the Data: Many solar systems have performance monitoring tools. A sudden drop in energy output can indicate dirty panels.

Is rain enough to clean my solar panels?

Rain can be a natural cleaning agent, but its effectiveness depends on the situation.

  • Light Rain, Heavy Dust? Not Likely: Light rain might not be enough to remove heavy dust build-up or stuck-on debris.
  • Frequent Downpours? Maybe!: Areas with frequent, heavy rain showers might benefit from a natural cleaning effect, reducing the need for manual cleaning as often.

Can I clean my solar panels myself, or should I hire a professional?

This depends on your comfort level and the accessibility of your panels.

  • DIY for Accessible Panels: If your panels are easily reachable from the ground or with a safe, sturdy ladder, and you're comfortable cleaning them yourself, then DIY cleaning is an option.
  • Safety First, Hire a Pro: For high or steeply-mounted panels, or if you're unsure about safe cleaning practices, it's best to hire a professional cleaner. They have the expertise and equipment to ensure a safe and effective clean.

How much does it cost to have my solar panels cleaned professionally?

The cost of professional cleaning can vary depending on your location and the size of your solar system. Generally, expect to pay somewhere between £50 and £200 per cleaning.

What are the dangers of not cleaning my solar panels?

Leaving your solar panels dirty can have a few negative consequences:

  • Reduced Efficiency: Dirt and debris block sunlight, hindering your panels' ability to convert sunlight into electricity. This means lower energy production and potentially higher electricity bills.
  • Potential Damage: Over time, built-up dirt and debris can degrade the panel material and compromise its effectiveness. Regular cleaning helps maintain the integrity of your panels and extend their lifespan.


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